Miko Reyes is a curious filmmaker, whose work is heavily influenced by his dance background. He treats every project as if preparing a choreographed dance performance; every bit dedicated to the harmony of movement and sound. 

Having done work comprised mainly of fashion films, music videos, and brand advertisements, he intends to inject his unique understanding of motion and musicality into his films. 

Awards and Appearances

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Clients I've Worked With

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Clients I've Worked With

What We Do

Saint’s Production offers direction, cinematography, and video editing work for its clients; extended individually and all together, to cater to different client needs.


Through direction, we create a space where Saint's and its clients can build on ideas together. We then produce a means by which those ideas can be carried out to its full potential, through careful storyboarding and intentional storytelling.


We see cinematography as the visual language by which video media speaks through. We offer this service for clients with concepts ready to be filmed. Through collaboration, we can produce a style of shooting and lighting that suits the clients' desired message.

Video Editing

In video editing, we put the clients' message first. Through meticulous sequencing, sound design, and color grading, we aim to produce outputs that catch the eye, and communicate clearly. 

Full Production

From the beginning to the end of the production process, we ensure efficiency, adaptability, and resourcefulness. Through project management, attentive direction, artistic cinematography, and innovative video editing, we aim to produce top-quality outputs for our clients. — — — — — — — —